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DJ Jingles 1999 cd-DJ Jingles-DJ Supplies Ltd
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DJ Jingles 1999 cd

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Jingles to take you to the Millennium

Single CD  - 99 Tracks

  • Exclusive New Impersonator Section
  • Deep Voice Drop In's
  • Year checks till 1999
  • Brilliant Selection of Show Openers
  • Includes Special Venue Tracks
  • An Ultimate Best Seller

With themes as diverse as The X-Files, The Muppet Show, Loony Tunes, The Twilight Zone, there are some great openers and closers to start & end your show with. There is a whole section of Deep (Very Deep!) voice drops which are always popular with all DJ's. We've also included year checks all the way to 1999 so that you can year check right up to the Millennium.

Add to this an exclusive set of tracks recorded for Ultimate by Dani Behr and the authentic USA voice of Mitch Phillips and you have a jingle CD that is essential for all DJ's.





Ranging from the simple quick insert to comprehensive productions & sung lines. Some brilliant themes


1. X-Files Style

Atmospheric VO based on the X Files Theme

The rumours have been round for a long time Government agencies have attempted to cover up But Tonight a force that is unstoppable is about to hit this city Trust No One - Deny Everything & Obey Your Instinct The Search Goes On The Truth is Out There, But The Party - Is Here


2. Star Wars

A re-creation of one of the classic Star Wars scene

Don't worry Luke Leave This To Me 

Let Me See Your Identification 

You Don't Need To See His Identification

We Don't Need To See His Identification 

This Is Not The DJ You Are Looking For 

This Is Not The DJ We're Looking For 

He Can Go About His Business 

You Can Go About Your Business 

Move Along 

Move Along


3. The Twilight Zone

Narrated opener with a Twilight Zone Vibe

There is a 5th dimension beyond that which is known to man It is a dimension as vast as space itself, & as timeless as infinity It is the middle ground between light & shadow, between science and superstition & it lies between the pit of mans fears & the summit of his knowledge This is the dimension of imagination, it is an area that we call the party zone.


4. War Of The Worlds

The classic intro re-scripted for DJ use with atmospheric music. A great lead into a light show or to start any night.

No one would have believed that in the last years of the 20th Century, that musical affairs were being listened to from the tiniest worlds of space. None could have dreamed that we were being scrutinised as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of musical enjoyment on other planets, and yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this earth and it's musical treasures with envious eyes. Our only salvation was our only weapon, with music we can fight them as they slowly and surely they draw their plans against us.


5. Meet The Gang Song

The "It ain't arf hot mom" opening song with new words and Windsor Davies shouting "Shut upppppp!"

Meet the gang, cos the boys are here, the boys to entertain you, with music & lighting to get you on your way, all the best music we will play, play, play. With oldies & newies, the best from the charts, hit after hit straight after we start, meet the gang 'cos the boys are here, the boys to entertain you. BO, BOYS, Boys to entertain you.


6. Quality Entertainment

A tongue in cheek blast at poor DJ's utilising the 'Benny Hill' theme and a DJ with 'attitude'!

Hey welcome to tonight's entertainment supplied by Discount DJ Agency - All our DJ's are polite (Oi you, shift!) - They use the latest audio equipment (Listen mate, if it ain't on 78, I ain't got it - right!) - Carry the most up to date lighting - (Do they what? flash? What do you think this is a fruit machine) - And all Discount DJ's dress to please (Jeans are very versatile you know) - Discount DJ's - [Announcer Voice] - Unfortunately the Discount DJ Agency Man didn't turn up tonight so you'll have to put up with this other show


7. Sample Montage Dance Opener

A beat backing with rapid fire samples over the top.


8. Muppets Show

The immortal Muppet Show opening theme re-scripted

It's Time To Play The Music, It's time to light the lights, It's time to get things started at the discotheque tonight

It's time to get up dancing, It's time to show delight, it's time to have a great time, at the discotheque tonight

To introduce our guest star, that's what I'm here to do, so it really make me happy to introduce to you ... the DJ

It's Time To Play The Music, It's time to light the lights,

It's time to get things started 'Why Don't you get things started' It's time to get things started at the most sensational inspirational educational motivational this is what they call the discotheque


9. Power On , Decks On, Opener

A great build up show opener with sci-fi sound effects

Power On - Decks On - Amplifiers On - Light Show Programmed - All Systems Standing By - Ladies and Gentlemen - We are on line. Please prepare yourselves for the experience of a lifetime ...... Welcome


10. Mastermind Theme

The long running quiz show redone to emulate a specialised subject in music

Your Chosen Subject is music you have hours in which to play classic tunes on your chosen subject & your time starts now .....


11. Roadshow Style

Drum Roll leading to a Radio 1 Roadshow style VO

& Now Live Direct & Before You please welcome your DJ


12. James Bond Opener

The original Bond theme with Bond introducing the artist

Prepare to be shaken & stirred by one of her majesty's finest ambassadors - and be warned he's licensed to thrill


13. Football Stomp Show Opener

A massive stomp backing with a commentator voice. Great for sports nights.

We're heading for a good time The Bars opening up What a wonderful piece of music selection Just look at the classics he's gonna play This has all the makings of a great night and with the best man in town to spin the tunes there can only be on ending ..... Goal!!!!!!!!


14. NASA Style Countdown

A countdown based on a launch. Simple & effective

VO2 - Standby Control, we have a go situation

VO1 - Ten Nine Eight Seven

VO2 - We Have Ignition

VO1 - Six Five Four

VO2 - Engines are Go

VO1 - Three Two One Zero

VO2 - We have Lift Off


15. Pathe' Pre-Show Starter

Before you go start this is a great ice breaker in vintage news style & lets the punters know what's happening

Ahhh Yes! Are you wonderful people ready to be entertained? Tonight you will be enthralled by the wonders of modern science Lights that flash, music that beats, and a disc jockey type person that actually speaks! yes speaks! Whilst we wait for a few more people to turn up and give you a chance to participate in conversation we will keep the gramophonic music at a reasonable level. But get ready for the big switch on it's coming to this room in a very short time



Novel ways of getting into & out of the buffet break


16. Toon Food Break

Over a 'toon' backing of 'Food, Glorious Food'

Cheese & Pineapple Sticks, Ham Sandwiches, Vegetable Toon 1 Voice - Quiche, Prawn Vol Au Vonts, Chicken Drumsticks, lettuce, tomatoes, fish bits, egg rolls, crisps, nuts, sausages on sticks, tuna sandwiches, relish, gateaux, cheesecake, profitteroles, sausage rolls, scotch eggs, pork pies, crusty bread - Toon 2 Voice - Hey Everyone! In case you haven't already guessed the buffet is now open, so hurry along before it all disappears


17. Rolf Announces the Buffet

A little bit of salmon, just a dash of relish, dum de dum dum, add a bit of gateaux, ha ha, plate to mix it all on, ... Can you guess what it is yet? Yeh .. It's buffet time, go on help yourselves, and kids love it too!


18. Lloyd Grossman

So we've deliberated, gurgerated, & basically stuffed ourselves stupid, so let us get on with the party, Mr DJ - take it away



A superb way of ending the night


19. The Soap Closer

One of the late 70's great soaps updated for DJ use

Tonight your DJ performed before a live audience, without any overdubs or studio editing the sound engineer was the DJ The Music Programming was by the DJ Production Assistant was the DJ Personal Assistant to the DJ was the DJ In fact every damn thing is being done by The Man of The Hour, The DJ


20. William Tell Closer

In the 50' style

You've just witnessed another episode in great entertainment Join us again next week, same time, same channel Hi Ho Silver ........ Away!


21. Looney Tunes Ending

A classic ending, self explanatory really

You've just witnessed a f.f.f.fabulous show, we'll see you again soon but for now .... that's all folks


22. Las Vegas Style Voiceover

Elvis Presley at Vegas style

Ladies & Gents Boys & Girls The DJ Has Left The Building


23. Land of Hope & Glory Closer

Utilising classical music, this is a very tongue in cheek closer

You have just witnessed a fine performance by this wonderful DJ. If you would like to him for your next function then his fees are extortionate, his reliability inconsistent and his professionalism is well ... questionable. And have you seen the colour of his pants? Still he's a nice guy and he tries very hard, so give him a break OKAY! ..... Goodnight



Some of the most used tracks in a DJ set


24. Are you sitting comfortably? Good - Then I'll begin

25. The Updated Complete Music Program

26. Song After Song after Track after Hit Back To Back

27. And Now .... It's back to the music

28. Beats Thumping, People Jumping, Finger Clicking, Tongue Licking, Bodies Swaying, Classic Music Playing

29. The Most Music (SFX) with no fillers (exit sweep)

30. Tune It In, Crank It Up, Rip The Knob Off!!!

31. Hot Rockin' Non Stoppin, Get Blown Away - Much More Music - All The Time



For both DJ's who work in a pubs and mobiles who want to add that something extra to the common announcements


Happy Hour

32. Happy Hour Montage

33. Pathe' Happy Hour


Last Orders

34. Orgasmic Last Orders

35. Last Orders Right Now!

36. Sexy Last Orders


Time At The Bar

37. Funeral March

38. Town Crier


Finish Your Drinks

39. Finish your Drinks & Run Along Home

40. Formal Dry Announcement


Leaving The Venue

41. Victor Meldrew - Please Leave Quietly

42. Keep The Noise Down



As popular as ever, the sexy insert!!!


43. They call this DJ the big man and I know why (giggle)

44. I wish This DJ would Come and Mix It with Me

45. Cut the crap big boy and play me a record

46. The beats at the end are always the best beats

47. It just don't get better than this

48. Push It, Wiggle It, Then Stick It In

49. The only place that I want to leave flat on my back



Watch those Bass Bins as these deep voice inserts resonate your woofers


50. The Maximum Bass, Rhythm - Pumping It To The Max

51. Fifty Thousand watts of Essential Power

52. Coming in hard with the wickedest beats

53. Back with another one of those block rockin' beats

54. Get Funky & Shake It Like A White Girl

55. It's All Gone Pete Tong

56. Largin' It On A Friday Night

57. Largin It On A Saturday Night

58. Doin' That Swing Thing It Don't Get Better than this

59. Let Your Body Be Free & Shake That Ass

60. Clubland - Bass - Rock The Place

61. Essential Chunes with The Coolest Cuts



For more of these check out Ultimate Impersonator CD.


Victor Meldrew

62. More Thump, Thump Thump from the Damn DJ, I'd like to give him a thump thump thump


Windsor Davies

63. The buffet is now being served, so form an orderly queue and hurry up, come on move it move it!!


Prince Charles

64. As the future King of England I do hope that I will have this fabulous disc jockey chappy at my coronation, but while I wait for mommy to step down, I do hope that you enjoy tonight's entertainment



65. Granville, go and get that DJ from the bar it's time to start the disco, and tell him not to make it so bloody loud.


Ronald Reagan

66. A DJ Nancy? What's that? It's not one of those damn ruskie guns is it, Nancy? What's a DJ?


Sean Connery

67. The DJ and I both have something in common, we are both professionals, highly skilled in our jobs, and we both attract loads of women .... well perhaps not in the DJ's case. Now Miss Moneypenny where was I?


Frank Spencer

68. Ooh look Jessica.. The DJ's done a whoopsy . hmmm


David Attenborough

69. Yes a fabulous creature known as a disc jockey, still potentially able to reproduce with only a 2" organ


Alec Guiness

70. You cannot win Darth if you strike me down I will become more powerful than you can ever imagine


Lloyd Grossman

71. I'll Tell You What I want what I really really want


Patrick Moore

72. I've never really been convinced about there being life on mars, but after seeing this DJ perform tonight, it proves that the most simple of organisms can function in all matter of environments



Quick fire humour. Great when used in the right places


73. I've never seen a dead body or a human nipple. I suppose this is what comes of living in cul-de-sac

74. Especially for twinkle toes out there, this is on CD

75. The Fat Slags Comment on the DJ's extended play!!!!

76. If you think this is good, just wait until the DJ gets here

77. Probably the worst DJ in the world

78. Probably the best DJ in the world - NOT!!!!

79. Probably the best DJ in the world - I did say probably!

80. You're listening to the DJ with no taste - and just to prove it, listen to this ....

81. The DJ with more balls than the national lottery

82. DJ with 12" sex appeal if you have a magnifying glass

83. The only thing this DJ can scratch is his arse

84. If you would like to book this man to be the DJ at you're party, then you really are very sad

85. Comedy Sound Effect - Man Straining on toilet



 professional way of letting people know their fortunes and a spoof draw to annoy the hell out of them


86. Ladies and Gentlemen tonight's national lottery numbers will follow this record

87. Ladies and Gentlemen we interrupt tonight's show to bring you the national lottery numbers

88. Ladies and Gentlemen these are tonight's lottery no's

89. The spoof lottery draw of made up numbers



Decade & year checks to take you to the Millennium


90. The 1950's

91. The 1960's

92. The 1970's

93. The 1980's

94. The 1990's

95. Yr Check - 1995

96. Yr Check - 1996

97. Yr Check - 1997

98. Yr Check - 1998

99. Yr Check - 1999